New Harvesting methods
Forestry owners can get 50 to 100 % more volume per hectare from their thinning’s by using our new harvesting methods . This system will give you extra volume / revenue , better silviculture thinning reduce rutting ( we can move the brash to areas of the site where machines have to pass over the ground repeatedly or where the ground is soft). This is achieved by reducing your first thinning to 1500 to 1700 trees per hectare by removing all undersize , crocket , forked, deadwood including there branches where the ground permits .
See link to study with WIT here
To achieve the maximum return and value from all types of forestry plantation, our harvesting machines have the facility to critically access the trees presented.
This is achieved by equipping the harvesters with the latest computer software, which is linked to the electronic callipers in the harvesting head. Using this technology, the harvester assess the diameter and length of the tree being harvested and relay this information back to the on board computer.
The computer uses this information to determine the optimal use of the tree so that the maximum financial return is guaranteed. A detailed production report with average tree sizes volumes; product details etc. may be generated. Reports can be emailed directly to the customer to ensure they have the most up-to-date information.
View our Biomass/Harvesting article on the Farmers Journal here.
We have 20 years experience in the Forestry Industry and place great emphasis on the supervision and control of all sites. In conjunction with the forest manager we carry out a civil culture thinning to ensure that forestry owners achieve maximum return over the lifetime of their plantations